Taylor Spicer
Emory University
Programs Manager, Sustainability
Atlanta, Georgia
Taylor Spicer (15’MDP), the Programs Manager, joined Emory University’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives (OSI) in August 2015 to support and enhance student engagement with sustainability lifestyles and academic and professional careers on campus and beyond. She works closely with Emory Dining to support their efforts to source more food locally and sustainably and to co-manage the weekly Emory Farmers Market. Before becoming the Programs Manager, she worked as a graduate intern for the OSI for two years, running a behavior change program in the residence halls across Emory’s campus. During that time, Taylor was completing her Master’s in Development Practice degree at Emory, where she graduated in 2015. She has conducted research on the land sector in Rwanda, place-based social movements in Northeast Brazil, the effects that gender norms and differences can have on adaptation and mitigation for small-scale farmers in Kenya and Ghana, and the potential transformative power of intimate partner violence programming in Vietnam. Taylor served on the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Millennial Advisory Board and now serves on the Executive Committee of the Generation Green Board of the Georgia Conservancy’s Board of Trustees.
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